Tuesday, 17 June 1997

BNP019 - THE COOK REPORT - Truth Behind the Front - 17th June 1997

BNP019 - 
Truth Behind the Front - 17th June 1997

THE COOK REPORT - Truth Behind the Front (17th June 1997) Part 1/3

THE COOK REPORT - Truth Behind the Front (17th June 1997) Part 2/3

THE COOK REPORT - Truth Behind the Front (17th June 1997) Part 3/3

I do not believe that there is EVER a morally acceptable contingency where a vote for The BNP is acceptable.
A vote for The BNP may well be the lesser of two evils but I consider it a vote for evil on any occasion.

NEVER FORGET that The BNP has failed/refused to repudiate its association with White Supremacist Extremists and the murder of some 4-5,000 mostly young men BECAUSE they are coloured - including an elected Black Mayor January 2008 & a Mexican American 2009. Similarly they have failed to renounce their past association with extreme anti Judaism.
To VOTE BNP is to Vote for Evil.